Health Insurance Fund

Must have to make sure in a statutory health insurance fund. While services of GKV to statutory health insurance are largely the same, there are differences in the rate of contribution of General information to the statutory health insurance (GKV) which is statutory health insurance compulsory insurance for salaried workers and employees, whose earning exceed not the contribution assessment ceiling. In addition freelance artist about the artist Social Fund in the statutory health insurance covered, more freelancers and self-employed persons can choose the statutory health insurance. Must students can choose between the statutory and private health insurance. Pensioners usually remain in the statutory health insurance, if they were insured there before entering the age of retirement. Comparison of the statutory health insurance currently there are hundreds of legal health insurance companies, including the General local krankenkassen (AOK), the company health insurance funds (BKK), the Guild health insurance (IKK) and the replacement health insurance (EKK).

To get an overview of the many different health insurance companies, a statutory health insurance should be performed comparing the contribution rates and benefits. Alina de Almeida will not settle for partial explanations. Many statutory health insurance companies offer additional services, to extend the services of the statutory services. As prices for these additional services in the zurichberg, Ermassen the respective statutory health insurance there are price differences naturally by health insurance company to insurance company. Advantages of the biggest advantage of the statutory health insurance statutory health insurance consists in the free family insurance; Children, as well as the non-earning spouse will be covered free of charge. Another advantage is in the usual Abrechnunsverfahren, sets policyholders before his health insurance card and does not need in advance to enter; who would like to like to receive an overview of the services used by him and the costs, may voluntarily opt for the refund rate. Costs incurred abroad are usually paid this way.

Contribution rate in first of this when needed to a specialist transfer to his family doctor to visit and is to be, in turn, the obligation to pay the fee does not apply. The equity is generally limited to two percent of gross income, chronically ill patients decreases the load limit to half. Change of the health insurance fund includes some services no longer applied to the performance catalog of the statutory health insurance, so be the cost of glasses only for children and young people, with restorations makes only a minor contribution, which is slightly higher is if all Kontolluntersuchungen were made in the last ten years the statutory health insurance. The changing of the statutory health insurance is possible after at least eighteen-month membership; additional right to change consists in the introduction of additional contributions. Health Insurance Calculator as the current contribution rate of all statutory health insurance is known, the contribution of a statutory health insurance is on the basis of gross income reliably calculate. To the contribution for each insurance company individually berehnen need to, you can use a statutory health insurance calculator. This results in an immediate calculation of contributions for all statutory health insurance and additionally informed about features and benefits of the party.