Mobile Communications

We estimate spending on mobile average inhabitant of Moscow is spending on mobile communication from 1500 to 2000 rubles per month. In order to reduce spending on mobile communications in the first place, it is necessary to estimate these costs. In general, all payments to mobile operators for calls or pass, or sms / mms messages, or for using the internet (gprs) traffic. In order to objectively evaluate the possible costs, you must reset the phone settings lists, call timers, and after one full week to look at the figures spent minutes, SMS and megabytes. The resulting figure is multiplied by 4 and get your expenses on mobile communication in a month. Of course, the figures are quite approximate, but they will understand the balance. Based on the data, it is necessary to determine at what you are spending more. If it is text messages, you should connect packages. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dermot McCormack.

The cost of one SMS message at an average about 5-6 cents SMS Service for most operators it is 2 cents. There are also such tariff plans as a "monster of communication" from Beeline, which allow for a certain fee to the cost of SMS Message 2 pennies. On the Internet, just as traffic packages can save your finances. Thus, the value of 1 megabyte GPRS-Internet is an average of about 8 and rubles. With tariffs "onlayner" or "mts.konnekt" to example, the cost is reduced almost in 2 times. In fact, to use the mobile Internet is expensive in any case. If you need it to connect, for example, laptop, or suggestions from SkyLink Yota lot cheaper.

If you spend more on communications, count the number of minutes per month. If you spend more than 3000 minutes, so you need a full unlimited rate – it will cost 3007 rubles per month. If expenses are stacked in the 3000 minutes, you can recommend tariff "MTS 916", provided that you are talking constantly in Moscow. A total of 1080 rubles per month (916 – excluding VAT) you get 3000 minutes per month to mobiles and landlines. Today it is one of the most profitable no limit on the MTS.

Mobile Internet

Mobile can be surfed on the Internet using a 3 G laptop. You wanted to use the Internet earlier Mobile only had the via mobile phone or notebook to make this opportunity. However it proved to be as complicated and annoying to invoke various websites with your mobile phone. The notebook is not easy, so that you could have it permanently. Now, some manufacturers in the communications industry have discovered the gap in the market and have presented solutions.

The solution, which has succeeded in already in the distribution of known today under the name NetBook. A NetBook is actually nothing more than a small and light notebook. But the mobile use of Netbooks is much easier and more convenient than with a conventional notebook. Of course Netbooks can’t keep up with yet in terms of performance with their big brothers, but they are perfectly adequate for regular surfing and Office use. The first manufacturer of so-called Netbooks were Asus Eee PC and Acer Aspire one. Both manufacturers have with their Devices for good sales gesorgt.Netbooks be delivered mostly with a display of up to 10.1 inches, and various large hard drives. Otherwise, they offer numerous connection possibilities and all can access the Internet via Wi-Fi. The combination of NetBook and USB surf drive, make sure that not only Wi-Fi reception the Internet can be used.

Recently, there are the so-called 3 G but laptop. This shipped receiver with an integrated 3 G or UMTS. With a SIM card from a mobile service provider and a data plan can be accessed on the Internet without the need it more an external UMTS receiver. Torsten Heinsius

Mobile Viruses

More recently, computers were the only gateway to the world of digital technology and the viruses written for them, absolutely not related to other handheld calculators. However, as the development of mobile communication has become clear that phone, if not replace the usual personalku, then at least it will be indispensable. And indeed, today we can see lots of mobile phones, which has long been united in himself the functions players, digital cameras and many other useful additions. But every manufacturer implemented the management of all the functionality of the device at its sole discretion, requiring the user to relearn a each acquired a new phone. Recently Ali Partovi sought to clarify these questions. The solution to this problem was the creation of devices such as a smartphone. Their main difference from our usual phone – it's an operating system.

As the latter can be used Windows Mobile, but many manufacturers preferring os Symbian. Naturally, the availability of the operating system is a significant plus, as it gives users the ability to install all the applications developed specifically for this version of the os. Such universalization can not take care of the hardware component of the smartphone and be sure that the application starts. Many might argue that installing MIDlets allows any more or less modern phone. However, not all so simple – phones use flash for their work (some similarity operating systems) that are created separately for each phone. Confirmed by the huge list of compatible phones, which accompany every Java-game, or Java-program. But guaranteed job any application in the smartphone creates a very great danger to their owners.

Windows Mobile

iPhone – turn on and manageable. The first launch of the iPhone does not require long and painful procedures, installation or setup, because everything is already configured and ready to go. The menu is arranged so intuitive that even an inexperienced user will be difficult to get lost in the its simple topology. Huge screen provides comfortable navigation and control communicator. For a detailed review with a list of 'full-time options ", you can click here.

The standard software package for the first opinion seems to be very lean until you realize that before you rather player, able to make calls, rather than 'branch' desktop. Moreover, in contrast to the more stuffed with software, PDA based on Windows Mobile, iPhone is more convenient to use. Programs automatically shuts down when you press Home, and do not load the memory device, the image is scaled flick of the fingers and the screen rotation is carried out automatically as you rotate the body phone. Should I mention that to adjust the brightness of the iPhone has a special optical sensor, and protection against inadvertent inclusion was withdrawn not shortcut or a special button and light finger. However, a barrel of honey poses a number of tar. First of all, iPhone has seemed to be too bulky and heavy. True, the first due to screen size, and the last – durable. Secondly, the touch-screen iPhone controlled only with your fingers, and is insensitive to any style, so that owners of large hands will have to develop fine motor skills.

Windows Mobile

Good day to all!) I would like to write about a very good communicator on Windows Mobile. Although this platform is called ‘fading’ that I personally do not think so. Here is a vivid example! So, after months of holding in my hand selecting this device and, be honest, very happy! But, all in order … CHOICE It was already my third device WinMobile platform, and I was determined that the last. Viacom insists that this is the case. (You used the Samsung i710 and Toshiba G900) But the market goes the mysterious and unknown Android / / / in I selected price category (2000-2500 USD) happened to be the only one – i5700, but examining the platform – he decided to choose VinMobayl (although if you need not flexible customizable HANDS system and a stable working machine with secondary programmatic filling, a good opportunity and a large number of CMV Igor – that Android is for you!) in Mobile, I appreciate the flexibility and the ability to fully configure and heaps of programs. The more opportunities of software to Vind Google Phone is still far!)) Was my choice between the i900 WiTu and b7300.

The main advantages of the latter: 1) due to the smaller physical size of the screen (with the same resolution) the picture looks much sharper, and 256 thousand colors against 65tys. on the i900 – no small preimuschestvo.Vse much ‘juicy’. 2) GPS Navigation subjectively better (he checked) 3) The location of the side buttons and Connectors much easier. 4) The amounts are smaller.

Mobile Operators

Tariffication in the network – this is a very powerful lever for retention of subscribers around a particular operator. When you understand the proposed rates, read all the fine print text on the site operators, counting the real value of minutes of conversation, we are anxious to share this information with you. In today’s material in our task – to choose the optimal tariff on-net calls each operator and try to compare them. Well naturally familiarize you with all the pitfalls, necessarily occurring in the way if you want to choose the perfect fare for themselves. Kyivstar Speaking about this statement, and referring to reviews of mobile users, I must say that the major loss of subscribers are connected, first of all, with inflated rates, especially with the goddam fee, which in most cases fall on the shoulders of prepaid service.

But Kyivstar is not as authoritative in the intra-rate policy and not “pushing” to its subscribers insane difference in rates within and outside the network. Classic tariff Category: prepaid and contract. The cost of calls within Network: 10 kop / min. Positive aspects: the tariff on a constant basis without term limits. We can add a maximum simplification of the tariff scheme, which consists of two parts: inside the network and the networks of other operators (including Mobilych). SMS price remains the same – 35 kopecks .. The first transition at the rate of pre-paid subscribers dl free to contract all the transitions are free. CCD for contract customers there.

Negative aspects: Virtual subscribers pay for the connection – 0.35 UAH. Contract provides for a monthly fee 15 UAH and one-time subscription fee – 199 USD. Login to rate only until August 31, 2008. Subsequent transitions to the rate prepaid subscribers will cost 10 grn. MTS is the oldest, relatively speaking, a mobile operator aims to keep old customers, above all, well and attract new ones, if possible. A recently obtained MTS-Ukraine is quite good. Due to a significant reduction in tariffs (and up to 2000-2003., The UMC bent” is often exorbitant prices) MTS boasts the highest rate of positive dynamics in 2008. Within the MTS network is still more flexible policy, but without setting shamelessly its subscribers against other operators like Kyivstar. Tariff “MTS First” Category: contract and prepay. Cost within the network: UAH 0.10 first minute and 0.03 UAH all the next minute call. Positive aspects: there is a service “My Family” from 0,05 UAH / min for 2 rooms. Lack of license fee for prepaid service, and value-added services provided by the tariff, for both service categories. For lack of contract fee. The first transition to the tariff for prepaid customers free of charge. Contractors can use the “Plus” – 55 minutes per month for 25 UAH.

Automobile Tires

For the right choice of tires is important to consider many factors, especially individual vehicle. And although every motorist eventually becomes a professional in the choice of tires is worth more time to mention all the features of the classification of tires. Tires are classified according to purpose, method of sealing, the profile shape and design. There is also a classification for the season. Now, a little More details on classifications.

By appointment automobile tire is divided into passenger car tires, which are intended for use in all climates with temperatures ranging from -45 C to +55 C, and tires for trucks vehicles. Tires for passenger cars in turn are divided into tubeless tires and chamber: Chamber bus (Tube Type) – a type of pneumatic tire, which by means of sealing the chamber, creating an air cavity, and tubeless (Tubeless) – is a pneumatic tire, where the air cavity is formed under the rim and tire. It has a high gazonepropuskaemost. Tubeless tires tend to have a radical design framework. Bus radical design is marked with the letter R, or P, if it does not appear, cross-ply tire. Now a little about the classification of the shape profile. To know more about this subject visit Peter Asaro.

One of the most popular types of tires are toroid tire or tires usual profile, are performed chamber music and tubeless. Their profile is similar to a circle. Average operating toroidal tire mileage is 40 – 80 thousand km. Low profile and sverhnizkoprofilnye tires have a lower ratio of the height profile. Both types of these types of tires enhance stability and handling. Low profile tires are designed and sverhnizkoprofilnye mainly for passenger cars and buses. There are wide-bus they were compared with the conventional tire profile, have low rolling resistance and high load capacity, and allow reduce fuel consumption. The disadvantage is that their operation should be used on one car and the tire normal profile. There is another type of tire – tire arch. They have a profile in the form of an arch variable curvature with a powerful low sides. Arched tires are tubeless. These tires are used as a means of increasing seasonal terrain vehicles. They are placed on a special rim, instead of the usual tires. The disadvantages are high cost and more complex assembly. The average mileage of tires arch during the operation in mixed traffic conditions is 40-45 thousand km, and the roads paved 20 – 30 thousand km. Depending on the Season Tires are divided into: Summer – have a hard rubber compound, it provides stability and the normal wear in the summer. But even at low sub-zero temperatures, they lose elasticity. Winter tires – On the contrary, have a soft rubber and not lose elasticity even in the bitter cold. There are studded and non-studded. And all season – it's all-season tires with tread, but not all of these tires are suitable in Russian climate. All this classification is not yet complete, but every motorist knows how important the right choice of rubber for safe driving.

Cheating Mobile

A student without a cheat sheet – not a student. Even the best students at least once "sinned", sdavayaekzameny. Refer to the crib in different ways. To read more click here: Mashable. Even the teachers sometimes greeted this case. "There will be the spur to write at least something to remember" , They argue. Everyone who wrote exams, test, essays known issue where the leaves with cribs can not pull out of his pocket or the information in them so much that the size of the spurs at once attract the attention of teacher.

In addition, the rustling, fidgeting on the spot during the search for cribs immediately will "dishonest student," and if the teacher will pretend not to notice you, be sure to follow you all the time for control. In our time, in the age of the mobile industry, more and more teachers, teachers are allowed to contribute with an exam on mobile phones, for example, a student watching the clock or use the phone as a replacement for the calculator (a calculator in your phone, it is common practice in colleges and universities, as students in the school did not carry a calculator, and often the need for complex mathematical calculations expressions, where conventional methods of manual addition, division, etc. can not do, and teachers understand this.) Now mobile phone is present in each student and the student, who in turn use it as a container cribs. Mobile crib gives its owner a lot of advantages over those of the ancient custom paper uses the crib. But as with all types of cribs, the cribs have their mobile Disadvantages: Where to get content for cribs? How to put it in my phone? An old phone model and does not support reading formats such as doc, txt, pdf. On the internet many websites offering free mobile crib, but most of them, or offer to pay for a resource or have very poor and often the same for all similar sites set cribs.

Ambassador Johanna Klum

The new app for iPhone and Android by CINZANO Asti of the Italian sparkling wine Asti CINZANO is with CIN, CIN moments”before an innovative mobile app for iPhone and Android. The mainly female fans of the brand can so at any time by traveling their best girlfriends moments share with each other. Also the current CINZANO Asti brand Ambassador, presenter Johanna Klum, uses the mobile app like to hold snapshots with her best girlfriends and Asti CINZANO and on the action site of CIN CIN moments to post. The first mobile app from Asti CINZANO sees itself as additional facilities for the successful online action CIN CIN moments”, the beginning of may on the Web site of the sparkling wine launched ( From the start, away this was extremely successful. Hundreds CINZANO Asti fans have uploaded in the past few weeks already typical girls moments and personal experiences in the form of images, reports and videos on the site.

“The individual anecdotes be shared with the community and the girls-be” jointly celebrated. A counter counts the number of all uploaded CIN, CIN, moment on the home page. Was a previously defined, attained beckon small and big surprises and great rates. With the new mobile app, now girls can real CINZANO your CIN CIN moments by traveling via smartphone at any time post and comment. Six various photo filters, which the personal images can be edited and customized through various design effects are an absolute highlight of the mobile app. Whether for the private photo gallery, the own Facebookprofil or for the next post on CIN, CIN each image of moments, with the photo filters is unique. As a special fun, the girls can build for example as well as brand Ambassador Johanna Klum in a picture”and posing together. Whether girl night, birthday party or shopping trip, the likeable TV moderator in this way is virtually for every action there.

Automobile Navigator

Each holder of a car is often faced with situations where an urgent need to determine your location and get directions. Paper maps are no longer relevant, he was replaced by the automobile navigator – a device a new generation that works with satellite GPS. Any modern car navigator is indispensable for car owners to help determine the proper location, paving the the most optimal route, do not go astray even in the most impassable terrain. New models of navigation, but the basic functions and equipped with many additional features to create the most comfortable conditions during operation of the device. Today, gps-navigator – it’s not a big box of strange, but small, multifunction devices, designed with all modern information technology – for example, Navigator nuvi 1200 looks more like a small computer than a car unit. Check out AOL for additional information.

The most popular today are car navigators garmin, which differ in the highest level of quality, convenience and ease of in operation, versatility and a host of other benefits. Navigators from this manufacturer are plenty of models from simple devices to serious gps-navigators, equipped with many additional features. Therefore, each machine owner can choose the car navigator, who meets all his needs and wishes, finances. Specially for car owners were created a series of car navigators nuvi, which provide a convenient, intuitive and represent a wide range. All navigators are able to produce a series of nuvi automatically recalculates the route, save addresses the most visited sites, giving the automatic voice prompts the driver in case of improper turning quickly recalculate the route, providing a flat or three-dimensional image. Models This series navigators garmin are a lot, but some models are particularly successful, than have won great popularity among both experienced drivers, and among the newcomers.

Navigator nuvi 1410 features a large 5-inch display, which is clearly visible through the card and all the details. This navigator has enhanced functionality and a pedestrian mode is the perfect companion for anyone who travels a lot for the city. In the Navigator nuvi 1410 a functionality Lane Assist, hinting lane to which you want to go and showing all the intersections and road signs. In addition, this model includes technology Bluetooth, allowing you to make calls, advanced navigation, there are hints from turn to turn, etc. Not less popular model nuvi 1200, which is a bit thinner than other navigators, but the feature set is also quite large. Many motorists like model nuvi 3790T, has a touch, color, high contrast 4.3-inch diagonal screen. There is a built-in Bluetooth, MP3 player, FM-transmitter, the ability to display three-dimensional buildings and objects on the map support functions and EcoRoute Line Assist, and many more. Navigator nuvi 3790T series is a premium device that is suitable for those who appreciate not only their safety but also comfort. Garmin company is a leading manufacturer navigators, so each model has been developed taking into account the technological standards and offers a wide range of functions.