Zine El Cellular

Flix Maier (*) the recent events observed in Egypt and other Arab countries had been described for the Isto magazine as ' ' Revolutions for the Internet' '. In Egypt, the fall of arm between the manifestants and Hosni Mubarak, since day 25 of January, caused the resignation of the president in day 11 of February, after a balance of more than 300 died. Everything started in Tunisia, when ambulant salesman set fire fire to the proper body, in protest against the truculncia of the policy. The social nets, as the Facebook and the Twitter – beyond the cellular telephones – had been the main used ways to congregate the manifestants tunisianos and culminated There in the resignation of president Zine El-Abidine Ben, that exile ran away it after to surrupiar the state treasury. In a effect domin, ' ' yearnings of the street rabe' ' if they had spread to Morocco, Mauritnia, Imen, Om, Egypt, Sudan, Lybian, Jordan, Algeria and Bahrein, with consequences even in Thailand and the Anger. The communist regimen of China treated to erase the word ' ' Egito' ' in the research of the Google. According to ONU, already exists 2 billion internautas and 5,3 billion cellular in our planet. I, particularly, twist so that one occurs ' ' revoluo' ' similar in Cuba. Unhappyly, this is practically impossible, since in the Island the Internet precarious and is censured, with available regular service for that they go there to make tourism, only including sexual, as it occurs with the petistas and types as the actor Jack Nicholson, that are magic with that country, that if before delights with tragos of mojitos and puffs of Havana after fogosas mounted in jineteras local By the way, the Cuban blogueira Yoani Sanchez, in article in the Estado (13/2), thus wrote: ' ' The scene lasted some seconds in the screen, a flash fugaz that in them it recorded in the retina the image of thousand of people protesting in the streets of the Cairo.

Education Cellular

22 Corroborating with the vision of the representative of the executive of the city of Rio De Janeiro, exists proposals of use of the cellular one in classroom as pedagogical instrument. Between days 14 and 16 of julho/2011, &#039 happened in Campinas/SP a workshop; ' Reading of Different Medias and Use of Cellular in the Room of Aula' '. The workshop is part of the V National Seminary ' ' The Professor and the Reading of Periodical Education, Media and Teaching Formation, that if realizazou in the UNICAMP' '. This seminary was promoted by the Association of Reading of Brazil (ALB), Program Periodical and Education/National Jornais Association (ANJ), College of Education of the UNICAMP and Group ALLE, and Net Anhanguera de Comunicao. Account still with support of the CAPES, FAEPEX, FAPESP and CNPQ.

The educators, ngela Junker and Elizena Cortez, coordinators of the Project ' Post office in the School, of the periodical Popular Post office, Campinas/SP' they had said in interview 23 on the subject, and had strengthened the subject as the following rank: Our pupil is not a digital immigrant, therefore already he is born inserted in the miditico context and if he uses of these resources for its social interaction. The texts, images and sounds become available the measure that the user covers the existing linkings between them he uses and them in the daily one, therefore if most of the pertaining to school time, our pupils pass in the school, as they go to dissociate these resources of its academic life? In turn, Vitorino Seixas, 24 educator in Portugal, approaches in its Blog 25 articles with stories of some proposals with the adequate use of the cellular a service of the professor. It also has in ' ' Blog of the Formao' ' , postado for educator given the same interesting on use of cellular in the schools. .

Case Cellular

Devices of television also emit rays X, a still more dangerous radiation, and we do not hear to speak of problems. An only photon of rays X is enough to cause damages, to the step that nor all ftons of microwaves of the world would make the same (the amount of ftons received from the television falls with in the distance – for that is that the proximity of the device increases the risk). We go to assume that exactly thus the microwaves of the antennas of cellular make badly. Still thus, the amount of radiation received from the transmitter would be lesser of what that one that we receive when we attend a bag of pipocas to turn in our oven of microwaves. An exception: although the microwaves not to breach our molecules, them can enter in resonance with water molecules gifts in our body, esquentando it. But again in this in case that, our ovens of microwaves and light bulbs are much more ' ' perigosos' ' of what an antenna of cellular in the neighborhoods, for being much more next. Science works with experiments that can refute theories.

In the case of the radiations emitted for cellular telephones, studies epidemiologists are in progress to try to verify if the devices are really safe. We can foresee that the studies will conclude for the security of the same ones. Of the opposite, good part of the current physics and chemistry would have of being rejected of one alone time due to these studies. for the gigantic number of careful research carried through until the moment, the probability of good part of the current scientific knowledge to be wrong is lesser of what the probability of that this is plus a rumor. Add to your understanding with Mikkel Svane. For only precaution, I only exaggerate of precaution left to dicar here. It looks for to use cellular the least possible time, at least science to even prove definitively that the waves do not bring problems. Although acretite that does not have problems. They do not leave children to use cellular therefore are in formation and it is not good for risking. Pregnate women must prevent the constant use of cellular, therefore not exite studies that says they can of problem or in this in case that, however it is not for giving porblemas but as it said is not pure excess of precaution. just in case we go to be displayed the least possible time with cellular on.

Cellular Biochemical Salts

This combination of cellular biochemical salts can be used regularly to promote systemic balance in the brain and the nervous system, acting as a tonic for the brain. Cellular biochemical, also called cell salts, salts are composed of minerals that occur naturally in a cellular level in our bodies and all organic matter on Earth (plants, rocks, and soil). Kalium phosphate (potassium phosphate derivative) is a cellular biochemical salt and a natural component of all liquids in the body. It acts as the food of the nerve, and is naturally present in all cells of the brain and nerve tissues. Additional information is available at Code.org. Kalium phosphate (also called Kalium phosphate) is an excellent nerve tonic and a soothing natural, helping calm nerves and decrease restlessness. Kali.

PHOs. It supports a healthy brain and nervous system, and can help relieve occasional nervous tension in the body. Get all the facts and insights with Ali Partovi, another great source of information. Natrium muriaticum (sodium chloride derivative) – water is the means by which food and chemical products of the brain are transported in the blood to the cells and taken from cell to cell. The function of this cellular biochemical salt is keep the water balance in the body by controlling the movement of water in and out of cells. Natrium muriaticum cleans naturally and gently while system that moisturizes the tissues. Natrium muriaticum should not be confused with table salt, and can be used safely by people who require low-salt diets. Calcium phosphate is a cellular biochemical salt that assists the body in its natural function of creating new cells.

The effective production of the cell blood is important to ensure good circulation of blood. The cells in our body are constantly dying and being replaced each day. Get more old, it is important to maintain cell production happening as fast as cellular deterioration. Calcium phosphate promotes health food, is a vital component of digestion, cell growth, and energy levels. It is a excellent general tonic for people of all ages. Original author and source of the article.

Start Search Control

To start a manual search of channels to use the arrows Up or Down on the remote control switch to the menu item ‘Start Search box and click “OK”. After the search to confirm the preservation of channels found (by pressing the cursor left and click “OK”). Pressing the Exit, close the menu. Receiver set. If there were problems with all channels Tricolor, then reset receiver to the factory: Turn on your receiver. Click on the remote control button ‘Menu “. The Main Menu receiver. Click ‘OK “to enter the submenu” Settings “. Enter the desired pin (factory setting pin – 0000). C arrows Up or Down on the remote control go to the menu item “Factory settings” and click “OK”. A warning appears on the full reset settings on your receiver. Press the red button i. In dialog box appears, confirm the settings reset (by pressing the cursor left and click “OK”). Wait about one minute until the reset occurs. Turn on the receiver button on the remote control.

Click ok three times to start the automatic channel search. During the automatic search you can see a list of found channels in the left pane and a list of channels on the right side. You can stop the Automatic search to the end (you need to press the Exit, and then “OK”) and use the “Manual Search”, as described below. Click on the remote control button Menu. Click ok to sign in submenu “Configuration”. Enter the desired pin (factory setting pin – 0000). Use the arrow keys “Up” or “Down” on the remote control go to the menu item “Manual Search” and click “OK”. In the “manual search” you must verify that the menu item “Frequency” is set to 12,226 (or 12,225). If set to another value, you must go to the menu item and using the number buttons of remote control to enter value of 12,226. Also check the option “flow rate” and if necessary, set the value of 27,500. To start a manual search of channels to use the arrows Up or Down Remote Control go to the menu item ‘Start Search box and click “OK”. After the search is necessary to confirm the preservation of channels found (by pressing the cursor left and click “OK”). A few clicks of the button Exit Exit the menu. Setting completed.

Designing PCBs

In recent years in industrialized countries are experiencing significant growth in the electronics industry, and the time for the knowledge they gained is doubled, while the existing technology obsolete at the moment less than five years. In digital electronics there is an even more rapid development. And one of the most important moments in the development of digital, as indeed, analog electronics is the development of automated systems, printed circuit board design. A leading source for info: Ali Partovi. And although to date all the more or less developed western world uses powerful systems and software for printed circuit boards in the territory of the former Soviet Union there slight lag in this area. The most common to date the program for the development of printed circuit boards is a cad P cad. The latest version of the cad is a software package P cad 2006, Altium Limited Company on announced the termination of development of P cad, and instead offers users use the Altium Designer..

The Nozzle

This is important because solid part can be primitive “pick up” all the heat – and thus, at the solder will not create a sufficient temperature. A heating element of the whole as a whole can at times not only for purely technical reasons, but also due to fire hazard and the effect of thermal expansion, which can bury all the efforts made by low-power soldering station. Also important is the question of the supply voltage. Standard characteristics of domestic and many industrial electric systems in Russia – is 220V, 50Hz, but the sealing parts in locations far from power grids – in a car or other places where, until the socket is not , you can use soldering stations, fed by voltage 12, 18 or 24. And of course, most important, perhaps, characteristic of a soldering iron or soldering station is the operating temperature device. The most primitive models have no stable temperature, but with little heating of soldering when the solder does not melt to a state of fluidity and does not fill all the pores in the place of contact, you can get very frequent effect, which is calling the Cold soldering ‘.

Soldered place looks dull, it becomes rough to the touch – a compound itself turns fragile and unreliable. To avoid this, use a soldering station with an operating temperature sufficient to specific type of material. Overheated sting accelerated wear of the soldering iron or a corresponding nozzle in the case of soldering station, solder may overheat and boil, covered by the end of the sting of dross, flux substrate was completely burned. It happens that the sting of the nozzle at the soldering station is overheating due to excessive evaporation of the solder, if so, work with small electronic components on such a nozzle is not possible. Huge advantage of soldering stations to make a simple soldering iron is that even if you accidentally adjusted the device incorrectly, you always have the opportunity to change the nozzle. Well and good work of the working part of the soldering station have low or too high temperature is difficult, so take a look at the indicators. They will help you configure soldering station on the correct mode, while using an ordinary soldering iron you denied such a possibility. With frequent use of the equipment for soldering master must either buy a set of soldering various capacities, either – modern soldering station with a temperature control, set temperature and a convenient stand for your soldering iron. In addition, perhaps the person involved in soldering constantly delight such details as bath sponges for cleaning, antistatic protection and some other possibilities. A quality soldering station for understandable reasons worth some money, but buying a set of different soldering irons that entails the acquisition of attachments, certain types of solder, which requires skills contact with the equipment at different levels, hardly a better job. The current level of technology allows you to select successfully applied a model from a wide range of devices specifically for your needs – from a relatively thin samples Weller to a wide range Aktakoma, which includes samples from a miniature home soldering stations, to the powerful professional equipment. Therefore, when you visit a specific store or online store, you can choose optimally suitable option soldering station.


Here are several mailing lists for free that lets you send information to other members. 7.-Signatures Each year there are seven billion e-mails, I’m sure you also sends some truth? Firms indirectly attract the people we contacted daily, these are located at the end of each outgoing message and are a good option to increase their sales and get customers. Each recipient of a particular content becomes a potential customer. A good example is Hotmail, through this technique to promote managed more than 12 million customers in just 18 months, as he did? The method was as simple as including the end of every message you sent any of its subscribers the note your e-mail free. In this way, each subscriber has become a sales agent (involuntarily). Then do not forget to set your email (you can do with tools or options menu) and include your signature on all e-mails you send. 8.-ads in search engines and directories.

This method of promotion is the introduction of prominent ads in major Internet search engines like Google, Yahoo (Overture), or Microsoft MSN, each time a user searches the advertisement appears to the right of your monitor and if the user clicks on any of these ads, that action is costing the advertiser (pay-per-click), it is best that publicity is exposed only to a target audience (country is determined by language, region and keyword) will get a market that is really interested in the product or service that these marketing. It is a practical way to find customers searching for what you offer. Obviously this service has a cost ranging from $ 0.01, $ 0.05 more per click (visit only). It is worth noting that Google has had enormous success with its AdWords advertising service, if you hire the services of your Google AdWords ads appear in a column on the right side of your browser marked “Sponsored Links.” You can also view the sites affiliated with the search network and content marked as “Ads by Google ‘. 9 .- Marketing offline.

(Promotion in traditional media) to call offline marketing promotion in traditional media like newspapers, television, radio, magazines, leaflets, posters, cards, marquees, etc. While it is true that online advertising is going up like wildfire offline promotions can be profitable even always know where to go when your potential customers, to place their advertising. Even the mainstream media have their limitations and a higher cost than online promotion allow us access to a market sector that could not normally reach through virtual means, we must also take into account that the mainstream media, especially print media is highly profitable for a web business focused on the local market. A self to achieve a successful result in the issuance of a warning is important to locate those specialized in the field means that the website is dedicated item or product or service For example, if you’re selling computers can not think of publishing a notice in a pet magazine. Not require a large budget to promote off line, since we can include our website commonly used stationery and business cards, envelopes, brochures and product catalogs, letterheads, ads, signs on car window stickers, etc. otherwise we are wasting the opportunity to communicate our presence online to many people in our midst.

News Powerful Tools

By: Oscar Rossignoli Editor undoubtedly one of the tasks of the media in business is helping you to be perceived and position your image in a positive way in general as well as the quality of their products and services. Given the critical need for enterprises to be identified, appreciated and supported by large audiences (which can only be achieved through mass media), and the dissemination of information is an important opportunity to convey messages from the company public sectors of specific interest, which is a valuable support for public relations programs and whose purpose should be reflected in results. It is here that underscores the importance of monitoring news, as it has become a staple of public relations, serves as a parameter to measure and evaluate the effectiveness of PR work with the positioning of a given image company through the impact it has published news in the media selected for this purpose. That is why today there is a fundamental interest in various companies for hiring news monitoring service which every day has informed the latest developments relating to their industry and the way you are positioning your brand, either a favorable, neutral or negative. For this reason, it has grown the number of companies engaged in this work with more professional staff and expertise to analyze the information in the media and supported by various services and with the greatest possible use of technological resources. The news monitoring represents a major support for public relations work, as well as several advantages, which are: knowing how the brand is positioning itself at the hearings if they are reaching the right way to audiences interested according to its strategy Knowing the position of the company compared to its competitors know their strategy. This allows the company to make the right decisions, and redefine (if necessary) business strategies and / or communication.

Fortune Good

So the best way to ensure that a tarot reading is adequate, is that behind it is a tarotirsta with a natural gift. Only people born blind can provide fairness in their predictions, due to their ability to see beyond the obvious. The incredible richness of the meanings of tarot cards cover a wide range of characters, situations and nuances that life can surprise us at every step. Some secrets have positive meanings that can be detected at first sight.

So when those cards come revealed in tarot reading, are often a good omen. Shopping is one of my favorite mysteries, I must confess. Every time he goes on the run, it announced that the tarot reading is, in this case, rather than favorable. Talk about success or victory coming as a result of own past actions. This image is evident that this mystery offers: a cart drawn by two spirited horses, who represents the good results will come through our effort and energy. Advance involves overcoming all obstacles that fate may bring us.

The Wheel of Fortune also offers tarot readings more than positive. But in this case, because the circumstances that accompany us in our favor. Could be seen as being in the right place at the right time. We must take advantage when reading tarot gives us as good news, because there are few chances that life offers us where everything will come out as by word of mouth. Another secret that can bring us great promise in reading the tarot are lovers. Talk about maximum harmony, love without words, a perfect relationship, a match between a party without errors and another of a whole. There is balance, inspiration, harmony. It could be the right card for someone who performs a tarot reading at the prospect of a new job or a new business partnership. We may be interpreted as taking place good omens if tarot reading reveals La Estrella. There is clarity in vision, insight, good prospects to new situations, new loves, new colleagues or new studies that are undertaken. The star signs the querent’s life. The spirit is what takes precedence in this letter, he speaks of good omens more spiritual than material. The security can give in those moments of tension where we need comforting, and tell us that everything will be alright. In revealing these letters, we are well aspected.