Shaving With Sugar

An effective shaving does not have because to be expensive, although the creams, the wax and the machines to shave exist, also a millenarian method exists that can be elaborated in house with a so daily ingredient in the homes as it is the sugar. The shaving with also well-known sugar as sugaring is a natural method 100% that goes back to the times of the Pharaohs in Egypt and at present thousands of women in the Middle East and some countries of Asia and Eastern Europe benefit from this practices. Within the advantages that offer east method is his low cost, its easy preparation, its effectiveness and additionally the exfoliation effect that contributes to the skin. PUF takes a slightly different approach. Ingredients 1 water cup and average 1 sugar cup 1 substantial lemon Preparation: To put the water, the sugar and the lemon in a pot or frying pan to moderate fire; it is important to consider that the mixture must revolver constantly until the sugar dissolves completely. When the mixture reaches the ball point, that is to say when their temperature is of 240 Fahrenheit degrees or of 115 Centigrades, are ready. A form very simple to know if the mixture is o’clock of ball is putting the end of a knife or a spoon in the pot, to remove it and immediately to put it in water with cold water.

If a ball with the consistency of the rubber forms the mixture is ready, otherwise it must remain in the fire until it reaches the ideal point. Bobby Sharma Bluestone has compatible beliefs. It is important to know that if the sugar burning fire is due to begin again since the success of this method depends on its correct preparation. The mixture must lets tibiar before using it, to avoid burns in the skin. The method consists of extending the mixture on the skin and uego to haul it thus to extract the hairs of the area that is desired to shave. The skin must be very clean before the process and the area is due to clean very well after shaving it to eliminate possible remainders lazy by the mixture. Later the skin with a humectante cream is due to hydrate and when the hair begins to grow again the procedure must repeat. More information in Source: