
I took the garden newsprint shell and painted in white but I liked how it sparkled. I had to buy black matte enamel white and I used masking tape to cover parts and proceeded to paint it black. Only use 150 ml diluted with thinner enamel than 15 . I took off some tapes and took the opportunity to stick the shell on the wall.


Acquisition: An acquisition involves the purchase by a legal person controlling stake in another company, not to merge their assets. PARTNERSHIPS: Partnerships between companies in licensing, supply agreements, venture capital initiatives, joint purchasing and many other forms of cooperation aimed at eliminating or reducing a significant degree of confrontation between competitors, suppliers, customers, new participants, potential producers of choice. STRATEGIC ALLIANCES: These tactics unions are given through 3 types of partnerships: 1. JOINT VENTURE: The alliance of 2 companies that create a legally independent company with one long-term relationships, partners with a stake equal, where there is a competitive advantage by combining resources and capabilities of enterprises. 2.CONTRIBUTION TO CAPITAL: It comes as a launching pad, where the partners have different percentages of competitive advantage as part of its resources and capabilities with FDI. 3. NO CONTRIBUTION OF SOCIAL CAPITAL: competitive advantage occurs with a contractual relationship and to share some of its resources and unique capabilities. Transborder ALLIANCE: International Cooperation Strategy, where companies are headquartered in different countries combined share of resources and capabilities to create competitive advantage. STRATEGIC ACTIONS: Formulation and implementation of strategies that will produce strategic results. STRATEGIC ALLIANCES AS arises because: 1. Reduce competition. 2. Ability to compete. 3. Access to different resources. 4. Leveraging internal and external opportunities. 5.Flexibility strategies according to need. ADDITIONAL TYPES OF PARTNERSHIPS: 1. VERTICAL: The companies share their resources at different stages of the value chain. 2. HORIZONTAL: Companies share their resources in the same stages of the value chain. CENTRAL SKILLS STRATEGY: 1. RIVALRY WITH COMPETITORS: With an increase in the loyalty of the company did not import prices. 2. BARGAINING POWER OF CUSTOMER: The customer buys products with features and costs that others can not. 3. POTENTIAL COMPETITORS: Achieve customer loyalty no matter the price exceeding the uniqueness of a product. 4. SUBSTITUTE GOODS: Companies that do not have the loyalty of customers, they are subject to opt for products with different characteristics with the same function of the current product. 5.BARGAINING POWER OF SUPPLIERS: look at the leaders who have power and can get some time to force their suppliers to lower their prices. LEARNING CAN LIMIT THE PERCEPTION: Refers to the customers’ perception of the value of the distinct characteristics of a company against its competition. Collusion means an agreement in which two or more enterprises in a particular market defined that each act in a concerted manner towards the rest of the other companies. COMPETITIVENESS: achieve a return equal to or superior to the rivals in the market. CUSTOMER’S DECISION: If the price difference is significant or not depends on the client to acquire or not a product or service. Dichotomy: sort method in which divisions and branches have only two parties DIVERSIFICATION: The means selecting diversify investments in different sectors, offered by companies of different sizes, and in the case of bonds with different terms and issuers within an asset class, rather than concentrate the money in only one or two areas . GLOBAL ECONOMY: The production and management of goods and services are organized globally. BUSINESS LEVEL STRATEGIES: there is to establish, exploit, develop and sustain a competitive advantage. COST LEADERSHIP STRATEGY: is an integrated set of actions designed to manufacture products at the lowest possible cost in relation to competitors, which include features that are tailored for customers. Differentiation strategy: It is designed to meet customer needs.

Virtual Learning Environments (VLE)

For this, a virtual learning environment (VLE) is all the different functions associated with training activities. The VAS allows the creation and maintenance of virtual communities by providing the services that each community is identified, and ensuring the integration, enrichment and loyalty of users. Both EVA and how the virtual classroom are customized taking into account the tools chosen and the client’s corporate image: main page layout and icons, layout of documents, etc need. Usually, in a virtual environment of these characteristics, the registered and enrolled student is given a identifying key (username and password), which replaces the traditional student card delivering institutions face, and enabling you to recognized by the system and access the environment and its virtual classrooms. Of course to access it from anywhere and anytime, it must have a computer with Internet access and minimum technical requirements. A Virtual Environment should allow some fundamental questions: – Share views, experiences and know-synchronous or asynchronous, with other students. – Fast search of content that must be scanned. – Database of questions and answers. – Forum news and announcements. – Corrected immediate examination and justification of why it is right or wrong answer marked by the student. – Self-assessment questions with solutions and explanations of them. – Links to recommended websites with a brief explanation of their content. – Annotated Bibliography (part of it, at least the most substantial, must be digitized). – Glossary of terms. – Calendar of events linked to the development of the study. – Publication of events on the theme of the course being conducted. – Updated documentation readily available for students. – Table ongoing support. One of the great advantages of Virtual Learning Environments is identified users (tutors, students and administrators) can communicate with each other at any time, submit jobs and receive results of their exercises.They will also have access to databases of the training center. It should be noted, moreover, to engage in these communications is not necessary coincide in time and space with the selected partner or partners. Overall, the Virtual Learning Environment provides a complete communication network between all its users, enhancing the learning, cooperation, creation of new initiatives, etc.., With very positive results. One of the salient features of virtual learning environments is to create spaces that not only can the training it is also possible to learn, interact, communicate and manage data and business processes, say Albert Sangr and Lourdes Gu rdia (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) in his work: quality criteria for assessing environments and virtual learning platforms.


It already spend a lot since we celebrate our anniversary, but I’ve been with so many things that I had the opportunity to publish much on my blog, these days I hope to organize a little and add new things to my blog. I can only comment so far God has been blessing our lives greatly and has brought us very beautiful roads. This March we fell 3 Anita marriage, I can not believe how quickly time passes and we already have 3 years married, I thank God for the wonderful husband that has given me, and most of all for that friend with whom I share every day of my life. We celebrated our anniversary in Atlanta, (thanks to my in-laws who cared Ian for 24 hours) We could spend the night at the Marriott, to be honest it was very beautiful, we had dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steak House, and stroll through Atlanta in the night, the next day my husband took me to where I go wrong lenox shopping, and best buy too many clothes in the store Zara, a Spanish merchant, can not wait to move to Europe, yay !!!!! Thank you my love for a special day. We both in our hotel room

Ethnography Main

Ethnography Main article: Ethnography of Venezuela group of indigenous children from the Yanomami tribe in the Upper Orinoco. The Venezuelans have a rich combination of heritages. From the colonial period were mixed Indian, Spanish and African, and today the majority of Venezuelans have one or more of these ancestries: Mestizo 67 , European descent 21 (mostly Italian and Spanish), Afro – descendants 8 , indigenous 2 . Indigenous communities today is around 1 of total national population, and are mainly located in Zulia State and south of the Orinoco River and its estuary. With the start of oil exploitation in the early twentieth century, establishing companies and citizens coming mostly from the United States.Subsequently, in mid-century, especially early in the era of post-war, came to join the Venezuelan society, otra ves a new wave of immigrants of Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and new immigrants, Lebanese, Germans, Croats , Chinese, Japanese (among others) and several Latin American countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, etc..) during the oil boom of the seventies. The General Census of Population and Housing 2001, indicates that the main foreign colonies established in the country originate in that order, and citing only the most numerous in Spain, Italy, Lebanon, Portugal, Argentina, USA, China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Cuba, Guyana, Brazil, Uruguay, France, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago, representing approximately 7.7 of the total population.The majority of Arab immigration in Venezuela is Lebanese and Syrians. In the late nineteenth century came the first Arabic-speaking immigrants, engaging in trade and pearl diving in the island of Margarita. In the early twentieth century came more people of Arab origin. As at that time these countries were under Turkish rule, these immigrants brought that country’s passport, which is why to this day is colloquially called Turkey. Even today many of these immigrants are trading in the major cities of the American Indian pa s.Hay mainly of Caribbean origin. Large numbers of Latin American immigrants attracted by the vast resources of the country have arrived in Venezuela in the twentieth century. These continual waves of immigrants increased the country’s racial mosaic complex. In Venezuela there has never been racial problems.That is why the poem P ntame Angelitos Negros, popularized by a famous song in the mid-twentieth century and represents an anthem against all forms of racial discrimination, is a famous writer, poet, humorist, lawyer and Venezuelan politics: Andr s Eloy Blanco. Like most immigrants were white, black and indigenous populations have declined in importance, to increase the mestizo and white. Colonia Tovar, founded in 1843 by settlers generally Catholics from agricultural areas of southwestern Germany. Its people maintain their culture and language, and speak a dialect of German called German Coloniero. See also: Immigration to Venezuela


This year, Elefant holds nothing more and nothing less than his twentieth birthday, why the festival Indietracks English has decided to allocate part of the festival and provide the main stage to bring the best independent label groups. Indietracks is between 24 and July 26 at Butterley in its cartel is already confirmed as large groups (and so close to us) as a module, Au Revoir Simone, Fitness Forever, Camera Obscura, Cola Jet Set, Stereototal, Cooper or The Blue House. An example of fitness proportionate selection. r is a random number selected from 0 to F in this case individual B has been selected.


After several months of silence republish the blog. Thirdly we are at the top of work and is hard to find time to be attentive to new markets and audiovisual products. I wanted you see a new genre that is being set up in advertisements and announcements in which they play live art (individually and collectively) announcing some kind of product.

Afganistan .. “democratic elections”

is not yet known who will be the next president of Afghanistan, nor whether there will be a runoff election in October. Anyway the favorite candidates, among 41 competitors, do not hesitate to be awarded once the polls closed late on Aug. 20, the final victory that supposed to have exceeded 50 of the vote. Both President Hamid Karzai ‘who is the president imposed by the international community after the fall of the Taliban in 2001 – as its nearest rival, his former foreign minister Abdullah Abdullah, said they had secured the necessary votes. The truth is that the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) official in charge of giving the final results, has not yet given details of the participation (which could be around 40-50 because of the danger posed to vote) and only announced the results based on 10 of the ballot, where Karzai would be in the lead with 40.6 of the vote, followed closely by his former minister with 38.7 . The Afghan people want to work with the Americans to develop their economy wrote. requests from the US to formulate a framework for a strategic agreement The tension is such that a couple of hours after learning the initial results, the Taliban blew up a truck bomb in Kandahar – the country’s south, which killed over 40 people and left dozens injured. The results will be available to 100 recently in late September. Meanwhile, the insecurity in the country is really alarming. The elections in Afghanistan are carried out in a war that has lasted over 30 years and has not achieved quite the opposite-calm-not with the British intervention, nor the Russian nor the Soviet and although many analysts say is impossible to achieve a true democratic process in these conditions, elections are essential for the new U.S. strategy in China, they have a democratizing pedagogically nuance, more than anything else. At the time of the election: 45 of the districts were under threat of arms and in the 10 districts controlled by the Taliban and opened the polls. Of 2.742 schools used as polling stations, 26 were attacked by insurgents during election day. 11 members of the CIS were killed. The elections have cost 223 million dollars, so there is not much interest in making a second round. Because no census of Afghanistan is too dangerous and can only do it something of a census that tried to make the Soviets, voter registration was conducted this time by the voluntary registration of adults and in many provinces the number of men reported of Women Voters in charge, a fact impossible to prove or argue.

Livestock The

Livestock XX The livestock sector is a more modest, if possible, with 23 of agricultural production. Livestock has always been an island for domestic consumption. The shortage of forage grass has always been an obstacle to livestock development. From the traditional cargo cabin survives only a small remnant of camels for tourists. It is the only herd of camels in Spain. We are facing a livestock feedlot, located in the higher regions. Consider that farming requires large amounts of water outside grass. The existing cottage has nothing to do with traditional farming. CEO Succession It is also very short and must rely on imports. The sheep and goat population has always been the largest in the archipelago, present since precolonial times (this being the main resource of the Guanches). He has followed in importance by Swine, and finally the veal.All too far to satisfy regional demand, and despite the momentum that tourism has brought to these businesses, in recent decades there has been a drastic reduction in livestock, driven by construction boom (which limits the grazing ), the tertiary sector of the economy and the implementation of economic measures that benefit the import of foodstuffs. By contrast the poultry hut it has had a significant increase. Corporate Recruiter who authored CEO Succession She alone can nearly meet domestic demand, especially eggs and chicken but not because of strong competition from imported products. Most poultry farms are concentrated in Tenerife and Gran Canaria.