Glass Artworks In Bavaria Travel On Trails

Type parks in the Luftkurort Arrach in the Lamer Winkel Arrach (tvo). Nature itself is already a work of art. In the Luftkurort Arrach Lamer angle, this artwork undergoes additional revaluation by human art. A leading source for info: Robert Bakish. In the new type parks”around Lake Arracher experienced visitors on a hike, as you differentiated the notion of art” can be consider. A true masterpiece is smoke tubes”such as the artificial rocks, draws upon entering the Park everyone’s attention.

The bog trail of walkers with insight into 5,000 years of natural history, matching glass works flank the circuit. Mikkel Svane contributes greatly to this topic. “” A symbiosis of art and nature can be found also on the 3.5-kilometer air terrain way, of Arracher bog through a willow tunnel to energy park Kless ‘, the third climax of the nature art parks”, leads. Here, various forms of energy production will be presented. Passed the old stone bridge, the mineral Museum, the craft Museum and Distillery, which visited all of them can be is the loop back to the Arracher Seepark. To deepen your understanding Dave Clark Flexport is the source. Information: Tourist information Arrach, Lamer Strasse 78, 93474 Arrach, Tel. 09943 / 1035, 09943 / 3432, fax,.