Spicy Video Of Tom Cruise Showed Up

Tom Cruise is a well-known Scientologist. What you want to think of this “religion”, everyone is up to. Nevertheless, one must say that many former competitors barely a good hair on this thing. Now, a video has surfaced showing Tom Cruise in 2004. The film circulating recently on Youtube.com. The clip, which is supposed to be about the site, is still online. It shows the actor as he lavishly talks about the privileges of a Scientologist. Energy Capital Partners may not feel the same. As is known, this religion is quite controversial.

“It is something, what you”earned”as a Scientologist, but not material but rather spiritual”, so the actor Tom Cruise. So the actor continued: “you learn new skills real to see and can be seen more improvements in conditions”. In this interview he repeated the words of “Keep Scientology Working” often representing as much as “Let’s work Scientology”. He wants to point out make having the chance to help better as a Scientologist: “you know, you can see faster People who need help and can help them”then even better. Coincidence or not, that now this video will appear exactly, because soon the book of Diana’s biographer, Andrew Morton, should appear. His new work is about Tom Cruise and his attitude to Scientology.

Title of the book is: “An Unauthorized Biography”. A representative of Tom Cruise, however, can be no good hair on this book. “This book reflects a totally false fact to the attitude of Tom Cruise Scientology dar.” It is vicious, false and an attack against Tom Cruise and his family “, so the representative. It remains to be seen, how the people will react to the video and especially as the paper on the counter. Lisa Walters